Monday, November 25, 2013

The start-up of you

How did online shoe retailer Zappos break from the pack to become the largest online shoe store? 100% free shipping, free returns, and local, well-trained customer service.

In a word: differentiation. In your market, where you have to deliver results.

Ben Casnocha, coauthor of The Start-Up of You with LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman, wants you to take an entrepreneurial approach; think of your career as a start-up: look at the local market and find ways to set yourself apart, whether it’s learning that new software, being the first to research that new trend, or sharpening your overall expertise to increase your value.

Join Ben as he discusses adapting to the future, investing in yourself, and transforming your career for the next free, monthly Alumni Series Webinar:
For a preview, check out this cool visual summary.

Happy Holidays, everyone!
See you in 2014,
Leslie | 617-627-3299 | Visit Alumni Career Services

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What's your body language saying about you?

Did you know: judgements of political candidates' faces in just one second predict 70% of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes?

Now think about how you're sitting or standing right now. What does your habitual pose say about you at work? Can body language increase confidence and success? Who's judging what about you because you're slouching or smiling or scratching your face?

Check out this fascinating TED Talk by social psychologist Amy Cuddy to find out.

Shout out for Tufts researchers mentioned by Amy!

Hope you all enjoy,

Leslie | 617-627-3299 | Visit Alumni Career Services

Friday, November 1, 2013

Could your friends explain what you do for a million dollars?

Going up? Don’t wing it. Everyone needs a perfect elevator pitch in their back pocket. Having a concise and engaging pitch on hand can help you land a job, a raise, new business, and new connections to people you’d like to meet personally and professionally.

The trick is to be prepared for a conversation—not a rehearsed speech. Spontaneity can capture enthusiasm, but could also do you a disservice if you aren’t properly prepared; in your haste and surprise, you may not have the most effective conversation possible.

Sharpen your pitch: 
Chris will also be offering our next free, monthly Career Speaker Webinar, packed with strategies you can put to immediate use:
I’ll also be offering a free tele-seminar on the quick pitch, including discussion of that oft-dreaded interview request, “tell me about yourself.”
In the meantime, I hope you're all having a lovely fall. With the beautiful foliage on campus, we at Career Services certainly are!

Leslie | 617-627-3299 | Visit Alumni Career Services

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What's my "personal brand"--and how do I market it?

In this fast-changing working world, competition is intense.

How do you communicate your greatest assets and what’s most relevant about you to the people you want to reach? “Personal branding”, the latest buzz term in career marketing, is a unique opportunity for you to figure out what separates you from your peers so you can rise above the noise in this crowed business and employment environment.

The best benefits of a strong personal brand:
  • Enhance self-awareness 
  • Clarify and reach goals 
  • Create visibility and presence 
  • Create differentiation 
  • Build a sense of control and power 
  • Create wealth 
  • Create resilience 
Personal branding is for everyone, not just consumer-packaged goods firms with large marketing budgets. If you understand your strengths, skills, passions, values, and niche expertise, you can communicate who you are and what you have to offer clearly and consistently in all aspects of your life—setting you apart.

How do you find your personal brand? 

Do your homework. Ask questions to understand how you’re perceived by others (your professional reputation) and marry that with your career goals, values, passions, and strengths. Pull from your resume, a branded biography, LinkedIn and social media profiles, etc. Develop a comprehensive communications plan based on your communication style and preferences.

Identify your target audience. Tailor your approach (email, snail mail, in-person) before you reach out.

Exude your brand. With everything you do, from how you dress to your volunteer activities to your office surroundings to networking. Be the change you want to see.

Step-by-step expert guidance 

The above steps and tips are taken from business and career coach Randi Bussin, AG79. Read more of Randi's expert advice.

Join us for the next Career Speaker Webinar:
Create Your Online Brand with Social Media, with Melissa Govagnoli
Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 8 pm EST

Want more? Visit Tufts Alumni Career Services' personal branding archive

Welcome to the Tufts Alumni Career Services blog!

With this blog, we plan to:
  • Bring you timely career management articles packed with practical strategies for your career 
  • Showcase Tufts career resources to help you take your career to the next level 
  • Archive our monthly alumni e-news articles, information, and updates on the Tufts Alumni Career Programs so you can access the resources you need, when you need them 
Tufts Alumni Career Programs

On the first Wednesday of each month, we’re pleased to bring you free webinars from nationally known career speakers on everything from interviewing and resume writing to social media and networking. Listen live or from the archive!

Next up:
Create Your Online Brand with Social Media, with Melissa Giovagnoli
November 6, 2013 at 8 pm EST

Plus, every week we host free tele-seminars—just for Tufts alumni—on a variety of job search and career topics by Alumni Career Services staff.

On deck:
Make Your Resume Pop
October 17, 2013 at noon EST

Check out the full roster of upcoming tele-seminars.

Thanks for stopping by! 